Welcome to our guide on “25 Optimism French Idioms Explained.” Here, you’ll discover popular French phrases that convey hope and positivity, complete with their pronunciation in English, literal translations, and meanings.
25 Optimism French idioms
Here are the 25 idioms:
Voir la vie en rose
- Pronunciation in English: vwar la vee on rohz
- Literal Translation: see life in pink
- Meaning: To see life through rose-colored glasses; to have a positive and optimistic perspective
Être au septième ciel
- Pronunciation in English: et-ruh oh set-ee-em see-el
- Literal Translation: to be at the seventh sky
- Meaning: To be in seventh heaven; extremely happy
Avoir le moral au beau fixe
- Pronunciation in English: ah-vwar luh moh-ral oh bo feex
- Literal Translation: to have the morale in beautiful fix
- Meaning: To be in high spirits; very cheerful
Croire en des jours meilleurs
- Pronunciation in English: krwar ahn day zhoor may-yure
- Literal Translation: believe in better days
- Meaning: To believe that better days are coming
Voir le verre à moitié plein
- Pronunciation in English: vwar luh vair ah mwah-tyay plehn
- Literal Translation: see the glass half full
- Meaning: To be optimistic, focus on the positive side
Avoir la pêche
- Pronunciation in English: ah-vwar la pesh
- Literal Translation: to have the peach
- Meaning: To feel energetic or in good spirits
Avoir la banane
- Pronunciation in English: ah-vwar la ba-nan
- Literal Translation: to have the banana
- Meaning: To have a big smile
Être sur un petit nuage
- Pronunciation in English: et-ruh sur uhn puh-tee noo-azh
- Literal Translation: to be on a little cloud
- Meaning: To be on cloud nine; feeling elated
Avoir un moral d’acier
- Pronunciation in English: ah-vwar uhn moh-ral dah-syay
- Literal Translation: to have a morale of steel
- Meaning: To be very resilient or determined
Voir le bon côté des choses
- Pronunciation in English: vwar luh bon ko-tay day shows
- Literal Translation: see the good side of things
- Meaning: To look on the bright side of things
Garder le sourire
- Pronunciation in English: gar-day luh soo-rear
- Literal Translation: keep the smile
- Meaning: To keep smiling, stay cheerful
Prendre la vie du bon côté
- Pronunciation in English: prawn-druh la vee doo bon ko-tay
- Literal Translation: take life from the good side
- Meaning: To take life on the bright side
Tout vient à point à qui sait attendre
- Pronunciation in English: too vyen ah pwant ah kee say at-ton-druh
- Literal Translation: everything comes in time to who knows how to wait
- Meaning: Good things come to those who wait
Il y a toujours du soleil après la pluie
- Pronunciation in English: eel ee ah too-zhoor doo so-lay ah-pray la ploo-ee
- Literal Translation: there is always sun after the rain
- Meaning: After hardship comes happiness
La roue tourne
- Pronunciation in English: la roo toorn
- Literal Translation: the wheel turns
- Meaning: Fortune changes; what goes around comes around
Après la pluie, le beau temps
- Pronunciation in English: ah-prey la ploo-ee, luh bo ton
- Literal Translation: after the rain, the good weather
- Meaning: After difficulty comes good times
Espérer contre toute espérance
- Pronunciation in English: ess-pay-ray kon-truh toot ess-pay-rons
- Literal Translation: hope against all hope
- Meaning: To hope despite having little reason for hope
Être plein d’espoir
- Pronunciation in English: et-ruh plehn dess-pwar
- Literal Translation: to be fullof hope
- Meaning: To be very hopeful
Croire en son étoile
- Pronunciation in English: krwar ahn son ay-twah-luh
- Literal Translation: believe in one’s star
- Meaning: To believe in one’s lucky star or destiny
Tirer le meilleur parti de chaque situation
- Pronunciation in English: tee-ray luh may-yure par-tee duh shak see-too-a-syon
- Literal Translation: pull the best part from each situation
- Meaning: To make the best of every situation
Rire jaune ne tue pas
- Pronunciation in English: rear zho-neuh nuh too pah
- Literal Translation: yellow laughter does not kill
- Meaning: Forced laughter does no harm
Battre le fer tant qu’il est chaud
- Pronunciation in English: bat-ruh luh fair ton keel ay show
- Literal Translation: strike the iron while it is hot
- Meaning: Take action promptly while the opportunity is still available
L’espoir fait vivre
- Pronunciation in English: less-pwar fey vee-vruh
- Literal Translation: hope makes live
- Meaning: Hope sustains life; hope keeps us going
Garder la tête haute
- Pronunciation in English: gar-day la tet ot
- Literal Translation: keep the head high
- Meaning: To keep one’s head up; to maintain dignity or confidence
Souffler n’est pas jouer
- Pronunciation in English: soo-flay nay pah zhoo-ay
- Literal Translation: to blow is not to play
- Meaning: Taking a break is not giving up; just because it’s easy, doesn’t mean it’s trivial
We hope this list of 25 optimistic French idioms enriches your understanding of the French language and inspires a positive outlook. Happy learning!