25 Long French Idioms Explained (+ Pronunciation And Literal Translation)

Explore the charm of the French language with this guide to 25 long French idioms. We’ll break down their meanings, give you a literal translation, and show you how to pronounce each one. This quick overview will help you understand and use these expressions like a native!

25 Long French idioms

Here are the 25 idioms:

Il ne faut jamais dire, « Fontaine, je ne boirai pas de ton eau ».

  1. How to pronounce in English: Eel nuh foh zhah-may deer, “Fon-ten, zhuh nuh bwah-ray pah duh ton oh.”
  2. Literal translation: One should never say, “Fountain, I will not drink of your water.”
  3. Meaning: Never say never.

Quand les poules auront des dents.

  1. How to pronounce in English: Kawn lay pool oh-ron day don.
  2. Literal translation: When chickens have teeth.
  3. Meaning: When pigs fly (i.e., never).

Il y a une mer à boire.

  1. How to pronounce in English: Eel ee ah oon mair ah bwar.
  2. Literal translation: There is a sea to drink.
  3. Meaning: It’s a Herculean task.

C’est la fin des haricots.

  1. How to pronounce in English: Say lah fan day ah-ree-koh.
  2. Literal translation: It’s the end of the beans.
  3. Meaning: It’s all over; there’s nothing left to be done.

Ce n’est pas la mer à boire.

  1. How to pronounce in English: Suh nay pah lah mair ah bwar.
  2. Literal translation: It’s not the sea to drink.
  3. Meaning: It’s not that difficult.

Qui vole un œuf, vole un bœuf.

  1. How to pronounce in English: Kee vol un uf, vol un buff.
  2. Literal translation: He who steals an egg, steals an ox.
  3. Meaning: Give someone an inch and they’ll take a mile.

Il n’y a pas de fumée sans feu.

  1. How to pronounce in English: Eel nee ah pah duh foo-may san fuh.
  2. Literal translation: There is no smoke without fire.
  3. Meaning: Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.

Quand on parle du loup, on en voit la queue.

  1. How to pronounce in English: Kawn awn parl doo loop, on awn vwah lah keuh.
  2. Literal translation: When one speaks of the wolf, one sees its tail.
  3. Meaning: Speak of the devil.

Loin des yeux, loin du cœur.

  1. How to pronounce in English: Lwan day zyuh, lwan doo ker.
  2. Literal translation: Far from the eyes, far from the heart.
  3. Meaning: Out of sight, out of mind.

C’est en forgeant qu’on devient forgeron.

  1. How to pronounce in English: Say awn for-zhawn kawn duh-vee-awn for-zher-awn.
  2. Literal translation: It’s by forging that one becomes a blacksmith.
  3. Meaning: Practice makes perfect.

Appeler un chat un chat.

  1. How to pronounce in English: Ah-puh-lay un shah un shah.
  2. Literal translation: To call a cat a cat.
  3. Meaning: To call it like it is.

Tourner autour du pot.

  1. How to pronounce in English: Toor-nay oh-too-roo doo poh.
  2. Literal translation: To turn around the pot.
  3. Meaning: To beat around the bush.

Mettre la charrue avant les bœufs.

  1. How to pronounce in English: Met-truh lah shah-roo ah-vawn lay buf.
  2. Literal translation: To put the plow before the oxen.
  3. Meaning: To put the cart before the horse.

Faire d’une pierre deux coups.

  1. How to pronounce in English: Fair doon pee-air duh coo.
  2. Literal translation: To make of one stone two strikes.
  3. Meaning: To kill two birds with one stone.

Jeter de l’huile sur le feu.

  1. How to pronounce in English: Zhuh-tay duh loo-eel sir luh fuh.
  2. Literal translation: To throw oil on the fire.
  3. Meaning: To add fuel to the fire.

Couper les cheveux en quatre.

  1. How to pronounce in English: Koo-pay lay shuh-vuh awn katr.
  2. Literal translation: To cut the hair in four.
  3. Meaning: To split hairs


Mettre la puce à l’oreille.

  1. How to pronounce in English: Met-truh lah poos ah lor-ay.
  2. Literal translation: To put the flea in the ear.
  3. Meaning: To make someone suspicious or give a hint.

Battre le fer tant qu’il est chaud.

  1. How to pronounce in English: Bat-truh luh fair tawn keel ay show.
  2. Literal translation: To strike the iron while it is hot.
  3. Meaning: To act while the opportunity is there.

Passer du coq à l’âne.

  1. How to pronounce in English: Pah-say doo kock ah lan.
  2. Literal translation: To go from the rooster to the donkey.
  3. Meaning: To jump from one topic to another.

Tirer les vers du nez.

  1. How to pronounce in English: Tee-ray lay vair doo nay.
  2. Literal translation: To pull the worms out of the nose.
  3. Meaning: To pry information out of someone.

Faire l’autruche.

  1. How to pronounce in English: Fair low-troosh.
  2. Literal translation: To do the ostrich.
  3. Meaning: To bury one’s head in the sand.

Vendre la peau de l’ours avant de l’avoir tué.

  1. How to pronounce in English: Vawn-druh lah poh duh loor ah-vawn duh lah-vwar tway.
  2. Literal translation: To sell the bear’s skin before having killed it.
  3. Meaning: Don’t count your chickens before they hatch.

Mettre les points sur les i.

  1. How to pronounce in English: Met-truh lay pwahn sewr lay ee.
  2. Literal translation: To put the dots on the i’s.
  3. Meaning: To make things clear, to specify.

Avoir le cœur sur la main.

  1. How to pronounce in English: Ah-vwar luh ker sir lah mahn.
  2. Literal translation: To have the heart on the hand.
  3. Meaning: To be very generous.

Donner sa langue au chat.

  1. How to pronounce in English: Doh-nay sah long oh shah.
  2. Literal translation: To give one’s tongue to the cat.
  3. Meaning: To give up guessing.

By learning these 25 long French idioms, you’ve taken a deeper dive into the nuances of French culture and language. Use them to enrich your conversations and sound more like a native speaker. Happy learning!