25 Hilarious French Idioms Explained (+ Pronunciation And Literal Translation)

Welcome to our fun guide on French idioms! Here, you’ll find a list of 25 quirky expressions, complete with their pronunciation, literal translations, and meanings.

25 Hilarious French idioms

Here are the 25 idioms:

Poser un lapin

  1. How to pronounce in English: Poh-zay uhn lah-pan
  2. Literal translation: To put down a rabbit
  3. Meaning: To stand someone up

Avoir le cafard

  1. How to pronounce in English: Ah-vwar luh kah-far
  2. Literal translation: To have the cockroach
  3. Meaning: To feel down or depressed

Sauter du coq à l’âne

  1. How to pronounce in English: Sow-tay dew kohk ah lan
  2. Literal translation: To jump from the rooster to the donkey
  3. Meaning: To jump from one subject to another

Avoir un chat dans la gorge

  1. How to pronounce in English: Ah-vwar uhn shah dahn lah gohrzh
  2. Literal translation: To have a cat in the throat
  3. Meaning: To have a frog in one’s throat (to be hoarse)

Être haut comme trois pommes

  1. How to pronounce in English: Etr oh kohm trwah pohm
  2. Literal translation: To be as tall as three apples
  3. Meaning: To be very short (usually referring to a child)

Arriver comme un cheveu sur la soupe

  1. How to pronounce in English: Ah-ree-vay kohm uhn shuh-vuh sewr lah soop
  2. Literal translation: To arrive like a hair in the soup
  3. Meaning: To come at the most inopportune moment

Mettre son grain de sel

  1. How to pronounce in English: Met-truh sohn grahn duh sel
  2. Literal translation: To put one’s grain of salt
  3. Meaning: To give one’s unsolicited opinion

Tourner autour du pot

  1. How to pronounce in English: Toor-nay oh-too-r dew poh
  2. Literal translation: To turn around the pot
  3. Meaning: To beat around the bush

Couper la poire en deux

  1. How to pronounce in English: Koo-pay lah pwar ah duh
  2. Literal translation: To cut the pear in two
  3. Meaning: To split the difference; to compromise

En faire tout un fromage

  1. How to pronounce in English: Ahn fair too uhn froh-mazh
  2. Literal translation: To make a whole cheese out of it
  3. Meaning: To make a big deal out of something

Jeter de l’huile sur le feu

  1. How to pronounce in English: Zhuh-tay duh lwee sewr luh fuh
  2. Literal translation: To throw oil on the fire
  3. Meaning: To add fuel to the fire

Avoir les yeux plus gros que le ventre

  1. How to pronounce in English: Ah-vwar layz yuh ploo gro kuh luh von-truh
  2. Literal translation: To have eyes bigger than the stomach
  3. Meaning: To bite off more than one can chew; to take more food than one can eat

Avoir un poil dans la main

  1. How to pronounce in English: Ah-vwar uhn pwa dahn lah man
  2. Literal translation: To have a hair in the hand
  3. Meaning: To be lazy

Être dans de beaux draps

  1. How to pronounce in English: Etr dahn duh boh drah
  2. Literal translation: To be in beautiful sheets
  3. Meaning: To be in a tricky situation

Faire l’autruche

  1. How to pronounce in English: Fair loh-troosh
  2. Literal translation: To do the ostrich
  3. Meaning: To bury one’s head in the sand; to ignore reality

Tirer les vers du nez

  1. How to pronounce in English: Tee-ray lay vair dew nay
  2. Literal translation: To pull worms from the nose
  3. Meaning: To get someone to reveal secrets

Monter sur ses grands chevaux

  1. How to pronounce in English: Mon-tay sewr say grahn shuh-voh
  2. Literal translation: To climb on one’s big horses
  3. Meaning: To get on one’s high horse; to become indignant

Faire la grasse matinée

  1. **

How to pronounce in English:** Fair lah grass mah-tee-nay

  1. Literal translation: To have a fat morning
  2. Meaning: To sleep in

Tomber dans les pommes

  1. How to pronounce in English: Tohm-bay dahn lay pohm
  2. Literal translation: To fall in the apples
  3. Meaning: To faint

Lâcher la grappe

  1. How to pronounce in English: Lah-shay lah grap
  2. Literal translation: To let go of the bunch
  3. Meaning: To leave someone alone; to get off someone’s back

Faire la sourde oreille

  1. How to pronounce in English: Fair lah soord oh-ray
  2. Literal translation: To make the deaf ear
  3. Meaning: To turn a deaf ear; to ignore on purpose

Mettre la puce à l’oreille

  1. How to pronounce in English: Met-truh lah poos a loree
  2. Literal translation: To put the flea in the ear
  3. Meaning: To arouse someone’s suspicions

Avoir le bras long

  1. How to pronounce in English: Ah-vwar luh brah lohn
  2. Literal translation: To have the long arm
  3. Meaning: To have influence; to have connections

Casser les pieds

  1. How to pronounce in English: Kah-say lay pee-yay
  2. Literal translation: To break the feet
  3. Meaning: To annoy or bother someone intensely

Tirer le diable par la queue

  1. How to pronounce in English: Tee-ray luh dee-abl par lah kuh
  2. Literal translation: To pull the devil by the tail
  3. Meaning: To live hand to mouth; to barely make ends meet

We hope you enjoyed exploring these 25 hilarious French idioms! Whether they made you laugh or sparked your curiosity about the French language, these expressions offer a unique glimpse into French culture and humor.