Welcome to our guide on “30 HAPPY French Idioms Explained (+ Pronunciation And Literal Translation).” Here, you’ll discover charming French expressions that capture joy and happiness. Whether you’re learning French or just curious about the language, these idioms will add a touch of delight to your vocabulary. Let’s dive in!
25 Happy French idioms
Here are the 25 idioms:
Être heureux comme un poisson dans l’eau
- Pronunciation: etr ur-eu kom un pwah-sohn dahn low
- Literal Translation: to be happy like a fish in water
- Meaning: to feel completely at ease or in one’s element
Avoir la banane
- Pronunciation: ah-vwar la ba-nan
- Literal Translation: to have the banana
- Meaning: to have a big smile
Être aux anges
- Pronunciation: etr oh zanj
- Literal Translation: to be with the angels
- Meaning: to be overjoyed or ecstatic
Sauter de joie
- Pronunciation: sote de zhwa
- Literal Translation: to jump from joy
- Meaning: to jump for joy
Être au septième ciel
- Pronunciation: etr oh set-yem syel
- Literal Translation: to be in the seventh heaven
- Meaning: to be in a state of bliss
Avoir le cœur en fête
- Pronunciation: ah-vwar luh ker on fet
- Literal Translation: to have the heart in celebration
- Meaning: to be very happy
Être en plein bonheur
- Pronunciation: etr ahn plen bone-ur
- Literal Translation: to be in full happiness
- Meaning: to be completely happy
Chanter comme un rossignol
- Pronunciation: shawn-tay kom un ro-see-nyol
- Literal Translation: to sing like a nightingale
- Meaning: to sing beautifully or happily
Avoir un sourire jusqu’aux oreilles
- Pronunciation: ah-vwar un soo-ree zhus-ko or-ay
- Literal Translation: to have a smile up to the ears
- Meaning: to be grinning broadly
Rire aux éclats
- Pronunciation: rear oh zay-cla
- Literal Translation: to laugh in bursts
- Meaning: to laugh out loud or heartily
Être gai comme un pinson
- Pronunciation: etr gay kom un pan-son
- Literal Translation: to be merry like a finch
- Meaning: to be very cheerful
Avoir le cœur qui fait boum
- Pronunciation: ah-vwar luh ker key feh boom
- Literal Translation: to have the heart that goes boom
- Meaning: to be very excited or heart beating with joy
Avoir des étoiles dans les yeux
- Pronunciation: ah-vwar day zay-twol dahn lay zyuh
- Literal Translation: to have stars in the eyes
- Meaning: to be dreamy or in love
Vivre sur un petit nuage
- Pronunciation: vee-vruh sewer un pe-tee new-ahj
- Literal Translation: to live on a little cloud
- Meaning: to be in a state of bliss or daydream
Être tout feu tout flamme
- Pronunciation: etr too fu too flahm
- Literal Translation: to be all fire all flame
- Meaning: to be very passionate or enthusiastic
Pavoiser de joie
- Pronunciation: pa-vwa-zay duh zhwa
- Literal Translation: to deck out with joy
- Meaning: to show great joy or to celebrate greatly
Être comme un coq en pâte
- Pronunciation: etr kom un kok ahn pat
- Literal Translation: to be like a rooster in dough
- Meaning: to be very comfortable or pampered
Rayonner de bonheur
- Pronunciation: ray-o-nay duh bone-ur
- Literal Translation: to radiate happiness
- Meaning: to be visibly very happy
Avoir un fou rire
- Pronunciation: ah-vwar un foo rear
- Literal Translation: to have a crazy laugh
- Meaning: to have uncontrollable laughter
Être plein d’entrain
- **P
ronunciation:** etr plen dahn-tran
- Literal Translation: to be full of enthusiasm
- Meaning: to be very enthusiastic or energetic
- Pronunciation: zhoo-bee-lay
- Literal Translation: to jubilate
- Meaning: to show great joy or celebration
Être comblé de bonheur
- Pronunciation: etr kom-blay duh bone-ur
- Literal Translation: to be filled with happiness
- Meaning: to be completely satisfied and happy
Péter de joie
- Pronunciation: pay-tay duh zhwa
- Literal Translation: to fart from joy
- Meaning: to be extremely happy (colloquial and humorous)
Se sentir pousser des ailes
- Pronunciation: suh san-teer poo-say day zayl
- Literal Translation: to feel oneself growing wings
- Meaning: to feel very happy or capable, as if one could fly
Être au comble de la joie
- Pronunciation: etr oh kom-bluh duh la zhwa
- Literal Translation: to be at the peak of joy
- Meaning: to be extremely happy or at peak happiness
We hope you enjoyed exploring these 30 joyful French idioms. With their pronunciation and translations now in your toolkit, you’re ready to sprinkle a little happiness into your French conversations!